
Find Funding


This page provides information on funding options for students, graduates and researchers, both by DAAD and other funding organisations in Germany.

Scholarships for Undergraduates and Postgraduates

The following page offers an overview of the most important scholarship programmes for undergraduates and postgraduates.


Funding for Researchers and Faculty

Here you will find the most important funding opportunities for researchers and lecturers.


Funding for Institutional Cooperation

Find here an overview of the most important funding opportunities for institutional cooperation.

A group of alumni sit in a seminar and look at an invisible speaker while they concentrate on his lecture.

Government Scholarship Programmes

In order to support the training of junior scientists and future university lecturers at institutions of higher education in East African countries, DAAD signed cooperation agreements with the governments of Kenya and Rwanda to jointly fund doctoral training and research in Germany.


Funding for Scientific Networks in Subsahara Africa

DAAD offers Master and PhD scholarships to African candidates for postgraduate degree programmes outside their home country at selected networks or centres of excellence.

Icon of a white globe with pinned victory ribbon on a blue background

Scholarship Database

Here you can find information on various kinds of DAAD funding for students, graduates and postdocs as well as on funding offered by other selected organisations.


EU Funding Programmes

As a department within the DAAD, the National Agency (NA) for EU-University Cooperation in the Erasmus+ programme and its predecessor programmes has been established since 1987, making it one of the most experienced agencies in Europe.


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Screenshot of map with location of DAAD-office marked