Neue Partnerhochschulen und -studiengänge für das DAAD-In-Country/In-Region-Stipendienprogramm in der Region Östliches, Westliches, Zentrales und Südliches Afrika für den Studienbeginn 2023 ausgewählt

Regions covered© DAAD
Every three years, the DAAD opens the Call for Institutions, with which existing and new partner universities in Sub-Saharan Africa can apply to become host institutions. Scholarships are awarded only for selected (post)graduate programmes at host institutions that are affiliated with the programme. These will receive an annual quota of Master and/or PhD scholarships (both In-Country and In-Region with an emphasis on In-Region scholarships) for (post)graduates programmes.
In order to be considered, interested institutions usually go through a quality-based selection process that involves the DAAD and other relevant regional university associations each designating a committee of international peers (university professors) to choose the host universities. The qualified institutions are then accepted for the In-Country / In-Region Scholarship Programme for three funding years.
In response to the most recent call for institutions, which was launched in 2021, a number of host institutions and programmes were chosen to serve as host institutions for three intakes from 2023 to 2025. Scholars can now study in select institutions in Benin, Cameroon, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria, Tanzania, and Uganda for a variety of disciplines like Public and Environmental Health; Geomatics; Engineering (Energy Technology; Metallurgical and Materials Engineering); Natural Sciences (Biostatistics, Biology, Bioinformatics, Food Chemistry, Parasitology, Pharmacology); Agricultural Sciences; Mathematics and Social Sciences.
We congratulate all the new institutions and look forward to working with them.
More information about these scholarships offered within Eastern, Western, Central and Southern African Region can be found at:
Das In-Country/In-Region scholarship programme aims at fostering strong, internationally oriented higher education systems in Sub Saharan-Africa with the capacity to contribute to sustainable development. To this end, scholarships are granted for development-related Master or doctoral studies for individuals who plan to pursue a career in teaching and/or research at a higher education institution in Sub Saharan-Africa. Scholarships are provided for high-quality (post)graduate programmes that give students and doctoral candidates excellent training opportunities.