
DAAD Nairobi provides information and advice at Education Fairs in Mombasa, Eldoret and Nairobi

© DAAD Kenya

The DAAD Regional Office in Nairobi, Kenya, attended the Mombasa Regional Education and Career Fair on February 22, 2023; the 25th Nairobi International Education and Career Fair on February 24-26, 2023; and the Eldoret Regional Education and Career Fair on March 8, 2023, to provide information and advice to high school and university students and scholars about studying and researching in Germany and to present DAAD funding opportunities.

By participating in the fair at various locations in Kenya, it was possible to reach a wide audience and interested parties at different levels of education and different institutions.

DAAD Kenya

Pupils, students and their parents were able to talk to DAAD staff in person about a wide range of topics, including study opportunities, admission requirements, costs and plans for after graduation. Around 500 people visited the DAAD booths and many took DAAD information material with them to later make contact with the DAAD during the consultation hours, online consultation hours or virtual seminars. “I heard a lot about German technology, I would love to attend an engineering school there. Tell me what I need to do, “asked Rashid Themor at the fair in Mombasa. Maryanne Chebet, in Eldoret, was pleased “I’m really glad to see you in Eldoret! Please tell me if the rumor is true that school and university education is free in Germany. “How much do I need?”

© DAAD Kenya

In Nairobi, the DAAD gave a presentation and answered questions about “Steps to Studying in Germany.” In the exhibition hall of the Nairobi Fair Kimani Mbotela reported at the end of the information seminar: “My father went to school in Germany and always talks about football made in Germany. I would like to experience that too.” There was a loud laugh when his friends added that they would love to visit a BMW factory in Germany and if we could sponsor that.

© DAAD Kenya

All in all, the DAAD was able to answer these and many other questions, ranging from scholarship opportunities to work opportunities in Germany to visa requirements and opportunities for self-supported students.

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Screenshot of map with location of DAAD-office marked