DAAD participates in Erasmus / Study in Europe Day held at the University of Nairobi on October 13, 2022

DAAD Info-Booth© DAAD
The day was also organized to raise awareness of the Erasmus+ program for education, training, youth and sport. Disseminating information about studying in Europe is part of a comprehensive strategy of the European Commission aimed at strengthening the internationalization of European higher education and increasing its visibility worldwide.

© EU
EU Member States represented included Germany, France, Hungary, Italy, Sweden and the EU itself! Personally present were the Deputy Ambassador to the EU, Katrin Hagemann the Italian Ambassador to Kenya, Roberto Natali, and the Hungarian Ambassador to Kenya, Zsolt Mészáros, as well as other representatives of the member states.
EU Ambassador Henriette Geiger expressed her gratitude for the cooperation between the European Union, its member states, and the University of Nairobi through various projects in a video message. The European Program Erasmus+ offers financial resources for cooperation in Projects, Partnerships, Events, and Mobility in Education, Training, Youth, and Sports both inside and between European nations and with international partners. The ERASMUS Info Day aims to promote European programs , especially because the EU funding for the current Erasmus+ program has almost doubled, seventy percent of the total funds are allocated to mobility programs.
For 30 years, the EU has funded the Erasmus programme, enabling over 4 million European students to spend part of their studies in another higher education institution (HEI) in Europe.
In 2015, Erasmus+ opened up these opportunities to individuals and organizations from other parts of the world. Through International Credit Mobility ( ICM), European Higher Education Institutions can set up mobility agreements with international partners to send and receive students and staff. ICM can be carried out in any study field and cycle and can take the form of a study period abroad at a partner Higher Education Institution or through staff mobility.

The leading target group was University of Nairobi Students and staff. An estimated 700 students and staff participated in the event, with plenary sessions and booths. Close to 100 participants visited the Study and Research in Germany DAAD booth, most of them were interested in studying at either master’s or Ph.D. level and made inquiries about DAAD scholarship opportunities in Germany. Requests came from a variety of disciplines, including Engineering, Social Sciences, Economics, Agriculture, Psychology, Medicine, Political Science, Commerce, Geology, Food Science, ICT, Public Health, Renewable Energy, and many more.