
Studying in Germany - For parents: 15 Questions and Answers

© DAAD/Lichtenscheidt

Studying abroad can be a highly enriching and rewarding experience. But it needs to be thoroughly thought through and carefully planned.

Especially parents have many questions if their child wants to study abroad: Where will he/she live? How much money per month should we as parents budget? Which university is the right one? Can my child work while studying? What happens when he/she falls sick? Are German university welcoming to foreign students, and will they be assisted if need arises? Those are only a few of many possible questions.

In the brochure “Studying in Germany –  A Good Choice for Your Child”, the DAAD intends to respond to those questions. Germany is a very good choice for university training, and we hope to assist you in making the right decision for the future of your child.

The brochure targets both parents and students.

It is available in German and English.

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