
Scholarship Database

Here you can find information on various kinds of DAAD funding for students, graduates and postdocs as well as on funding offered by other selected organisations.



The general aim of the programme is to train young academics and scientists through funding of PhD degree studies in Germany.

Who can apply?

Excellently qualified academic staff of higher learning institutions and of public Kenyan research institutions in the STEM subjects (Science Technology Engineering Mathematics) and Agriculture.

What can be funded?

PhD studies:

  • individual projects under the supervision of a university teacher or academic advisor
  • participation in a structured doctoral study programme

Duration of the funding

Generally, up to 45 months.
Grants are initially awarded for a maximum of one year. Extensions depend on whether the selection committee considers the previous award period to have been successfully completed.


  • 4 to 6 months preparatory German language course (fulltime)
  • Co-financed monthly scholarship instalment
  • Reimbursement of travel costs through an adequate travel lump sum that is disbursed after arrival in Germany, during the funding period respectively
  • Study and research allowance
  • Accident, health and personal liability insurance cover
  • Further individual allowances upon application


Selection is done by a bi-national committee through personal interviews of the candidates in Nairobi, Kenya. Selection criteria are, amongst others, general academic performance as well as a convincing and detailed proposal, discussed and agreed with the German supervisor, a convincing motivation for the chosen degree course respectively.

Further information

Please note that the scholarship awards are subject to sufficient funds.

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