
Open calls for DAAD funding

© DAAD Kenya

These are open calls for applications supported by the DAAD.

Networking Forum „EU-Higher Education Cooperation between Germany and Eastern Africa”

Expression of interest for participation


The Erasmus+ National Agency for Higher Education at DAAD and the DAAD Regional Office in Nairobi invite higher education representatives from Germany, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Burundi and South Sudan to take part in Erasmus+ Networking Forum in Nairobi!

The application for African higher education representatives is now open.

The aim of the event is to strengthen higher education cooperation between Germany and Eastern Africa in Erasmus+. Selected higher education representatives from Germany will have the possibility to network with their colleagues from Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Burundi and South Sudan.

You can get more information about this call here 

The deadline for application is 11 July 2024

Apply now!

Open call for Applications for Research Grants to Germany 2025/2026

The following scholarships are available, with different deadlines:
➢ Research grants in Germany
➢ Research scholarships – doctorates in Germany

➢Research grants – Bi-nationally supervised doctorates / Cotutelle
➢Study scholarships – Master’s/postgraduate studies in the field of architecture

➢Study scholarships – Master’s/postgraduate studies in the fields of Fine Arts, Design, Visual Communication and Film
➢Study scholarships – Master’s/postgraduate studies in the field of music
➢Study scholarships – Master’s/postgraduate studies in the field of performing arts
➢Study scholarships – Master’s program for MINT subjects
➢Surplace/third country program

Click here for more details


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Screenshot of map with location of DAAD-office marked