Fact-Finding Mission (FFM) of the University of Passau in Kenya

The agenda included meetings with partners and alumni, university and school visits, and briefings to discuss cooperation interests and exchanges.
Bilateral and virtual meetings took place with the NM-AIST at Nelson Mandela University in Arusha and with Kibabii University in Bungoma, Kenya.

Meeting with students at JKUAT in Kenya
Meeting with students at JKUAT in KenyaThe tour started with a visit to Strathmore University and an information slot for interested students who are considering studying abroad and Germany as a place to study. Accompanied by the DAAD Nairobi teams, Professor Posegga was also a guest at JKUAT, the University of Nairobi, TUK, and the German School in Nairobi.

Reception at the University of Nairobi
The University of Passau in Bavaria/South Germany has an international profile and interdisciplinary study programmes in English. The university strives to increase the diversity and variety of countries of origin among international students and looks especially at students from Africa and Sub-Saharan Africa, who have been underrepresented so far.

University visit to the Technical University of Kenya (TUK)