
DAAD in East African Countries

Here you will find information on scholarship programmes for study, teaching and research stays, university projects and scientific collaborations in East Africa and more country-specific information:

Every year the DAAD enables people from Germany – from students to university lecturers – to stay in Kenya. At the same time, funding recipients from Kenya have the opportunity to study, teach or research in Germany.


78 Funded from Germany

729 Funded from Abroad

More information:

Scholarships and funding by the DAAD

More Information: Scholarship Database – DAAD – Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst

Förderungsmöglichkeiten des Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienstes für 2023 bzw. das Hochschuljahr 2023/2024 ( Funding opportunities from the German Academic Exchange Service for 2023 or the academic year 2023/2024

A. Studierende und Graduierte / students and graduates

Studienstipendien – Master-/Aufbaustudium im Fachbereich Architektur / Study Scholarships – Postgraduate Studies in the Field of Architecture

Bewerbungsschluss/ application deadline: 30. September

Studienstipendien – Master-/Aufbaustudium in den Fachbereichen Bildende Kunst, Design, Visuelle Kommunikation und Film / Study Scholarships – Postgraduate Studies in the Fields of Fine Art, Design, Visual Communication and Film

Bewerbungsschluss/ application deadline: 30. November

Studienstipendien – Master-/Aufbaustudium im Fachbereich Darstellende Kunst / Study Scholarships – Postgraduate Studies in the Field of the Performing Arts

Bewerbungsschluss/ application deadline: 2. November

Studienstipendien – Master-/Aufbaustudium im Fachbereich Musik / Study Scholarships – Postgraduate Studies in the Field of Music

Bewerbungsschluss/ application deadline: 29. September


Studienreisen für Gruppen von ausländischen Studierenden in Deutschland / Study Visits and Study Seminars for Groups of Foreign Students to Germany

Bewerbungsschluss/ application deadline:

1. Februar für Reisen zwischen 1. Juni und 31. August
1. Mai für Reisen zwischen 1. September und 28 Februar
November für Reisen zwischen 1. März und 31. Mai

1 February for trips between 1 June and 31 August
1 May for trips between 1 September and 28 February
1 November for trips between 1 March and 31 May


B. Doktorand/inn/en, Post-Docs und Nachwuchswissenschaftler/innen / Doctoral students, post-docs and young researchers

Forschungsstipendien – Jahresstipendien für Doktoranden / Research Grants – One-Year Grants for Doctoral Candidates

Bewerbungsschluss/ application deadline: 31. Oktober

Forschungsstipendien – Promotionen in Deutschland / Research Grants – Doctoral Programmes in Germany

Bewerbungsschluss/ application deadline: 31. Oktober

Forschungsstipendien – Bi-national betreute Promotionen / Cotutelle / Research Grants – Bi-nationally Supervised Doctoral Degrees / Cotutelle

Bewerbungsschluss/ application deadline: 31. Oktober


Graduate School Scholarship Programme (GSSP)

GSSP ist kein Programm, für das man sich direkt beim DAAD bewerben kann!
Erst nachdem sich die Antragsteller an einer teilnehmenden Graduiertenschule beworben haben (siehe für die Liste der teilnehmenden Graduiertenschulen, an denen man sich bewerben kann, und für weitere Informationen) und von dieser Graduiertenschule für ein Stipendium nominiert wurden, werden sie gebeten ihre Bewerbung im DAAD-Portal hochzuladen.

Applicants cannot apply with DAAD for the GSSP Programme directly.

Only after the applicants have applied with a participating Graduate School (see for the list of Graduate Schools at which you may apply and for further information) and have been nominated by this Graduate School for a DAAD scholarship, they will then be asked to upload their application to the DAAD-portal.


C. Hochschullehrende und Wissenschaftler/innen / University teachers and scientists

Bilateraler Wissenschaftleraustausch / Bilateral Exchange of Academics

Bewerbungsschluss/ application deadline: jederzeit, jedoch mind. 3 Monate vor Beginn des geplanten  Forschungsaufenthalts in Deutschland

Anytime but at least 3 months before the beginning of the planned research stay

(Der Besuch eines deutschen Amtkollegen muss im Gegenzug vereinbart sein. The visit of a German counterpart has to be scheduled  in return)


D. In-Country / In-Region Programme / In-Country / In-Regions Programmes

Stipendien im Bereich Master oder PhD an unterschiedlichen Institutionen und Netzwerken in Subsahara-Afrika / Scholarships for Masters or PhD at different selected institutions or networks in sub-Saharan Africa

Weitere Informationen unter / more informations under:


E. Sonstige / Others

Entwicklungsbezogene Aufbaustudiengänge (EPOS) / Development-related Postgraduate Courses (EPOS)

Weitere Informationen unter / more informations under:

Praktikantenplätze für ausländische Studierende der Natur- und Ingenieurwissenschaften sowie der Land- und Forstwirtschaft (IAESTE) / Practical Traineeships for Foreign Students of Natural and Technical Sciences, Agriculture and Forestry (IAESTE)

Für weitere Informationen kontaktieren Sie bitte das IAESTE-Komitee in Kenia / For more information please contact the IAESTE committee in Kenya

Weitere Informationen unter / more informations under:

University Cooperation and Partnerships

The HRK University Compass shows 57 partnerships between German and Kenyan universities among the registered international co-operations:

International University Partnerships – Kenya

The DAAD offers programs for project funding for university collaborations.

More Information:

DAAD in Kenya

The DAAD lectureship program

The DAAD places around 500 lecturers primarily in German studies / German as a foreign language at universities in over 110 countries. There are currently 24 lectureships in Sub-Saharan Africa.

There are currently two DAAD lecturers in Nairobi:

Dr. Eliza Panagiotatou at the University of Nairobi


Steven Heimlich at Kenyatta University


More about the DAAD Lectureship Programme

Kenyan-German Postgraduate Training Programme

Within Sub-Saharan Africa, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) cooperates with several countries in the field of postgraduate training, on basis of individually negotiated cooperation agreements. So-called government scholarships are awarded to qualified junior scientists and university staff for PhD studies, mostly in Germany. In certain programmes, also PhD degrees at the home university or Master‘s studies in Germany can be funded.

The cooperation agreement between the Kenyan Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology and the DAAD was initially concluded in 2010 and renewed with the then responsible Ministry of Education in 2017 for another five years. The National Research Fund of Kenya is assigned to administer the programme. During the first years, up to 20 scholarships were awarded annually. After renewal of the agreement, this quota was increased to an annual intake of up to 30 students. The cooperation agreement has been extended in 2021 for the funding of another three intakes. The current contract duration ends on 30.06.2027.

75 Kenyan students are sponsored under this programme in 2021, with the aim of obtaining their PhD degree in Germany. Since the first intake in 2011 until today, 128 scholarships have been awarded in total, thereof 71 doctoral candidates have successfully completed their PhDs.

Scholarship Database | DAAD Kenya

DAAD Alumni in Kenya

The DAAD considers the end of a scholarship as the beginning of an active, long-term relationship with its alumni. More than 160 alumni associations worldwide connect alumni with each other and with the DAAD. The alumni associations are very important partners for international exchange and a driving force for local alumni activities. The involvement of the alumni associations plays an important part in the sustainability of the DAAD scholarship programs. Kenya also has an alumni association, the Kenya DAAD Scholars Association (KDSA).

The KDSA is a non-political organization that brings together current and former DAAD scholars who have received sponsorship DAAD for M.Sc and PhD studies, locally and abroad.


Prof. Dr. Daniel Ochieng Orwenjo
Technical University of Kenya
Language and Communication Studies

Every year, the DAAD enables Burundi scholars to study, teach or research in Germany. Due to the tense security situation on site, however, no scholarships are currently being awarded for stays in Burundi.

Im Jahr 2020 studierten 33 burundische Bildungsausländerinnen und -ausländer an deutschen Hochschulen, überwiegend in den Rechts-, Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften sowie Ingenieurwissenschaften.


1 Funded from Germany in 2019

37 Funded from Abroad in 2020

More information:

Scholarships and funding by the DAAD

Förderungsmöglichkeiten des Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienstes für 2023 bzw. das Hochschuljahr 2023/2024 ( Funding opportunities from the German Academic Exchange Service for 2023 or the academic year 2023/2024

A. Studierende und Graduierte / students and graduates

Studienstipendien – Master-/Aufbaustudium im Fachbereich Architektur / Study Scholarships – Postgraduate Studies in the Field of Architecture

Bewerbungsschluss/ application deadline: 30. September

Studienstipendien – Master-/Aufbaustudium in den Fachbereichen Bildende Kunst, Design, Visuelle Kommunikation und Film / Study Scholarships – Postgraduate Studies in the Fields of Fine Art, Design, Visual Communication and Film

Bewerbungsschluss/ application deadline: 30. November

Studienstipendien – Master-/Aufbaustudium im Fachbereich Darstellende Kunst / Study Scholarships – Postgraduate Studies in the Field of the Performing Arts

Bewerbungsschluss/ application deadline: 2. November

Studienstipendien – Master-/Aufbaustudium im Fachbereich Musik / Study Scholarships – Postgraduate Studies in the Field of Music

Bewerbungsschluss/ application deadline: 29. September


Studienreisen für Gruppen von ausländischen Studierenden in Deutschland / Study Visits and Study Seminars for Groups of Foreign Students to Germany

Bewerbungsschluss/ application deadline:

1. Februar für Reisen zwischen 1. Juni und 31. August
1. Mai für Reisen zwischen 1. September und 28 Februar
November für Reisen zwischen 1. März und 31. Mai

1 February for trips between 1 June and 31 August
1 May for trips between 1 September and 28 February
1 November for trips between 1 March and 31 May


B. Doktorand/inn/en, Post-Docs und Nachwuchswissenschaftler/innen / Doctoral students, post-docs and young researchers

Forschungsstipendien – Jahresstipendien für Doktoranden / Research Grants – One-Year Grants for Doctoral Candidates

Bewerbungsschluss/ application deadline: 31. Oktober

Forschungsstipendien – Promotionen in Deutschland / Research Grants – Doctoral Programmes in Germany

Bewerbungsschluss/ application deadline: 31. Oktober

Forschungsstipendien – Bi-national betreute Promotionen / Cotutelle / Research Grants – Bi-nationally Supervised Doctoral Degrees / Cotutelle

Bewerbungsschluss/ application deadline: 31. Oktober


Graduate School Scholarship Programme (GSSP)

GSSP ist kein Programm, für das man sich direkt beim DAAD bewerben kann!
Erst nachdem sich die Antragsteller an einer teilnehmenden Graduiertenschule beworben haben (siehe für die Liste der teilnehmenden Graduiertenschulen, an denen man sich bewerben kann, und für weitere Informationen) und von dieser Graduiertenschule für ein Stipendium nominiert wurden, werden sie gebeten ihre Bewerbung im DAAD-Portal hochzuladen.

Applicants cannot apply with DAAD for the GSSP Programme directly.

Only after the applicants have applied with a participating Graduate School (see for the list of Graduate Schools at which you may apply and for further information) and have been nominated by this Graduate School for a DAAD scholarship, they will then be asked to upload their application to the DAAD-portal.


C. Hochschullehrende und Wissenschaftler/innen / University teachers and scientists

Bilateraler Wissenschaftleraustausch / Bilateral Exchange of Academics

Bewerbungsschluss/ application deadline:

 jederzeit, jedoch mind. 3 Monate vor Beginn des geplanten  Forschungsaufenthalts in Deutschland

Anytime but at least 3 months before the beginning of the planned research stay

(Der Besuch eines deutschen Amtkollegen muss im Gegenzug vereinbart sein. The visit of a German counterpart has to be scheduled  in return)


D. In-Country / In-Region Programme / In-Country / In-Regions Programmes

Stipendien im Bereich Master oder PhD an unterschiedlichen Institutionen und Netzwerken in Subsahara-Afrika / Scholarships for Masters or PhD at different selected institutions or networks in sub-Saharan Africa

Weitere Informationen unter / more informations under:


E. Sonstige / Others

Entwicklungsbezogene Aufbaustudiengänge (EPOS) / Development-related Postgraduate Courses (EPOS)

Weitere Informationen unter / more informations under:

Praktikantenplätze für ausländische Studierende der Natur- und Ingenieurwissenschaften sowie der Land- und Forstwirtschaft (IAESTE) / Practical Traineeships for Foreign Students of Natural and Technical Sciences, Agriculture and Forestry (IAESTE)

Für weitere Informationen kontaktieren Sie bitte das IAESTE-Komitee in Kenia / For more information please contact the IAESTE committee in Kenya

Weitere Informationen unter / more informations under:

More Information: Scholarship Database – DAAD – Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst

University Cooperation and Partnerships

The HRK University Compass shows 1 partnership between a German and Burundian University among the registered international co-operations:

International University Partnerships – Burundi

The DAAD offers programs for project funding for university collaborations:

More Information:

As part of the project funding, the Center of Excellence for ICT in East Africa (CENIT @ EA) has been at the Nelson Mandela Africa Institute of Science and Technology (NM-AIST) since 2017 in cooperation with GIZ and the Inter-University Council for East Africa funded in Arusha (Tanzania). The aim is to strengthen employment and innovation-related digital skills of young people in the partner countries of the East African Community (EAC). The Master’s program “Embedded and Mobile Systems (MSc EMOS)”, accredited in 2019, addresses the needs of the private and public sectors in Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda for qualified, entrepreneurially-oriented specialists for a digital economy. In 2020, nine out of twenty-four funded people from Burundi received project funding from NM-AIST.

DAAD in Burundi

The DAAD does not have its own presence in Burundi, but works closely with the University of Burundi. It also has an alumni network there.

Baden-Württemberg and Burundi have worked in partnership since the 1980s. In 2014, a partnership agreement based on the development policy guidelines for Baden-Württemberg with Burundi was signed. In this agreement, projects in the fields of forest science, geography and resource management, geosciences and chemistry in higher education are funded. The state of Baden-Württemberg has entrusted the Baden-Württemberg Development Cooperation Foundation (SEZ) with the bundling and coordination of activities with Burundi, the supervision of projects funded with state funds and the expansion of partnership relationships. The Burundi Competence Center of the Foundation serves to carry out these tasks and act as an interface and service point. The DAAD works closely with this foundation.


Every year, the DAAD enables people from Germany – from students to university lecturers – to stay in Rwanda. At the same time, recipients from Rwanda have the opportunity to study, teach or research in Germany.


14 Funded from Germany

218 Funded from Abroad

More information:

Scholarships and funding by the DAAD

Förderungsmöglichkeiten des Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienstes für 2023 bzw. das Hochschuljahr 2023/2024 ( Funding opportunities from the German Academic Exchange Service for 2023 or the academic year 2023/2024

A. Studierende und Graduierte / students and graduates

Studienstipendien – Master-/Aufbaustudium im Fachbereich Architektur / Study Scholarships – Postgraduate Studies in the Field of Architecture

Bewerbungsschluss/ application deadline: 30. September

Studienstipendien – Master-/Aufbaustudium in den Fachbereichen Bildende Kunst, Design, Visuelle Kommunikation und Film / Study Scholarships – Postgraduate Studies in the Fields of Fine Art, Design, Visual Communication and Film

Bewerbungsschluss/ application deadline: 30. November

Studienstipendien – Master-/Aufbaustudium im Fachbereich Darstellende Kunst / Study Scholarships – Postgraduate Studies in the Field of the Performing Arts

Bewerbungsschluss/ application deadline: 2. November

Studienstipendien – Master-/Aufbaustudium im Fachbereich Musik / Study Scholarships – Postgraduate Studies in the Field of Music

Bewerbungsschluss/ application deadline: 29. September


Studienreisen für Gruppen von ausländischen Studierenden in Deutschland / Study Visits and Study Seminars for Groups of Foreign Students to Germany

Bewerbungsschluss/ application deadline:

1. Februar für Reisen zwischen 1. Juni und 31. August
1. Mai für Reisen zwischen 1. September und 28 Februar
November für Reisen zwischen 1. März und 31. Mai

1 February for trips between 1 June and 31 August
1 May for trips between 1 September and 28 February
1 November for trips between 1 March and 31 May


B. Doktorand/inn/en, Post-Docs und Nachwuchswissenschaftler/innen / Doctoral students, post-docs and young researchers

Forschungsstipendien – Jahresstipendien für Doktoranden / Research Grants – One-Year Grants for Doctoral Candidates

Bewerbungsschluss/ application deadline: 31. Oktober

Forschungsstipendien – Promotionen in Deutschland / Research Grants – Doctoral Programmes in Germany

Bewerbungsschluss/ application deadline: 31. Oktober

Forschungsstipendien – Bi-national betreute Promotionen / Cotutelle / Research Grants – Bi-nationally Supervised Doctoral Degrees / Cotutelle

Bewerbungsschluss/ application deadline: 31. Oktober


Graduate School Scholarship Programme (GSSP)

GSSP ist kein Programm, für das man sich direkt beim DAAD bewerben kann!
Erst nachdem sich die Antragsteller an einer teilnehmenden Graduiertenschule beworben haben (siehe für die Liste der teilnehmenden Graduiertenschulen, an denen man sich bewerben kann, und für weitere Informationen) und von dieser Graduiertenschule für ein Stipendium nominiert wurden, werden sie gebeten ihre Bewerbung im DAAD-Portal hochzuladen.

Applicants cannot apply with DAAD for the GSSP Programme directly.

Only after the applicants have applied with a participating Graduate School (see for the list of Graduate Schools at which you may apply and for further information) and have been nominated by this Graduate School for a DAAD scholarship, they will then be asked to upload their application to the DAAD-portal.


C. Hochschullehrende und Wissenschaftler/innen / University teachers and scientists

Bilateraler Wissenschaftleraustausch / Bilateral Exchange of Academics

Bewerbungsschluss/ application deadline:

 jederzeit, jedoch mind. 3 Monate vor Beginn des geplanten  Forschungsaufenthalts in Deutschland

Anytime but at least 3 months before the beginning of the planned research stay

(Der Besuch eines deutschen Amtkollegen muss im Gegenzug vereinbart sein. The visit of a German counterpart has to be scheduled  in return)


D.     In-Country / In-Region Programme / In-Country / In-Regions Programmes

Stipendien im Bereich Master oder PhD an unterschiedlichen Institutionen und Netzwerken in Subsahara-Afrika / Scholarships for Masters or PhD at different selected institutions or networks in sub-Saharan Africa

Weitere Informationen unter / more informations under:


E. Sonstige / Others

Entwicklungsbezogene Aufbaustudiengänge (EPOS) / Development-related Postgraduate Courses (EPOS)

Weitere Informationen unter / more informations under:

Praktikantenplätze für ausländische Studierende der Natur- und Ingenieurwissenschaften sowie der Land- und Forstwirtschaft (IAESTE) / Practical Traineeships for Foreign Students of Natural and Technical Sciences, Agriculture and Forestry (IAESTE)

Für weitere Informationen kontaktieren Sie bitte das IAESTE-Komitee in Kenia / For more information please contact the IAESTE committee in Kenya

Weitere Informationen unter / more informations under:

University-Business-Partnerships between Higher Education Institutions and Business Partners in Germany and in Developing Countries (Praxispartnerschaften)

Since 2012, the programme University-Business-Partnerships between Higher Education Institutions and Business Partners in Germany and in Developing Countries has supported practice-oriented degree programmes relevant to the labour market that are cutting-edge and suit the local context.

The programme of “University-Business Partnership Programme” is intended to promote in particular this transfer of knowledge between higher education institutions and the industry in order to contribute to the interlinking of institutions of higher education and the industry and to expand the dialogue. In the medium term, the programme contributes to ensuring that higher education is better adapted to the requirements and developments of the labour market.

Application for Rwanda are open for: economics (economy), information and communication technology, tourism, sustainable urban development, mobility concepts (incl. electric mobility), creative industries/film, economy/ statistics

University-Business-Partnerships between Higher Education Institutions and Business Partners in Germany and in Developing Countries – DAAD

Postdoctoral Fellowship in Systems Optimization for Sustainable Resources Utilization At the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) in Rwanda

More Details [PDF 147.12 KB]

PhD Fellowship in Systems Optimization for Sustainable Resources Utilization At the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) in Rwanda

More Details [PDF 157.75 KB]

DAAD in Rwanda

The DAAD lectureship program

The DAAD places around 500 lecturers primarily in German studies / German as a foreign language at universities in over 110 countries. There are currently 24 lectureships in Sub-Saharan Africa.

The position in Rwanda is currently vacant.

More about the DAAD Lectureship Programme

DAAD Alumni in Rwanda

There are about 200 DAAD Alumni in Rwanda who were funded either in Germany or the Africa region and who today successfully serve in the academic, business and political spheres. They may be ideal contacts for anyone interested in pursuing higher education studies or research in Germany. An association of Rwandan DAAD Alumni is yet to be set up.

Joint funding: DAAD and the Government of Rwanda

Since 2016, together with the Government of Rwanda, DAAD has been offering 20 PhD scholarships to Germany annually for academic staff members of public and private universities in Rwanda. The programme is currently no longer offered for tender.

Partnership between Rwanda and the state of :  Rhineland-Pfalz

A partnership between Rwanda and the state of Rhineland-Pfalz has existed since 1982. The direct bearers of the partnership are municipalities, schools and various social groups. The main focus of the cooperation is less on higher education than on the basic needs of the people.


DAAD Regional Office Nairobi Director’s Visit to Rwanda

Read about the first trip of the DAAD Country Director Beate Schindler-Kovats to Rwanda in February 2022 here.

Every year the DAAD enables people from Germany – from students to university lecturers – to stay in Uganda. At the same time, recipients from Uganda are given the opportunity to study, teach or research in Germany.


47 Funded from Germany

217 Funded from Abroad

More information:

Scholarships and funding by the DAAD

More Information: Scholarship Database – DAAD – Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst

Förderungsmöglichkeiten des Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienstes für 2023 bzw. das Hochschuljahr 2023/2024 ( Funding opportunities from the German Academic Exchange Service for 2023 or the academic year 2023/2024

A. Studierende und Graduierte / students and graduates

Studienstipendien – Master-/Aufbaustudium im Fachbereich Architektur / Study Scholarships – Postgraduate Studies in the Field of Architecture

Bewerbungsschluss/ application deadline: 30. September

Studienstipendien – Master-/Aufbaustudium in den Fachbereichen Bildende Kunst, Design, Visuelle Kommunikation und Film / Study Scholarships – Postgraduate Studies in the Fields of Fine Art, Design, Visual Communication and Film

Bewerbungsschluss/ application deadline: 30. November

Studienstipendien – Master-/Aufbaustudium im Fachbereich Darstellende Kunst / Study Scholarships – Postgraduate Studies in the Field of the Performing Arts

Bewerbungsschluss/ application deadline: 2. November

Studienstipendien – Master-/Aufbaustudium im Fachbereich Musik / Study Scholarships – Postgraduate Studies in the Field of Music

Bewerbungsschluss/ application deadline: 29. September


Studienreisen für Gruppen von ausländischen Studierenden in Deutschland / Study Visits and Study Seminars for Groups of Foreign Students to Germany

Bewerbungsschluss/ application deadline:

1. Februar für Reisen zwischen 1. Juni und 31. August
1. Mai für Reisen zwischen 1. September und 28 Februar
November für Reisen zwischen 1. März und 31. Mai

1 February for trips between 1 June and 31 August
1 May for trips between 1 September and 28 February
1 November for trips between 1 March and 31 May


B. Doktorand/inn/en, Post-Docs und Nachwuchswissenschaftler/innen / Doctoral students, post-docs and young researchers

Forschungsstipendien – Jahresstipendien für Doktoranden / Research Grants – One-Year Grants for Doctoral Candidates

Bewerbungsschluss/ application deadline: 31. Oktober

Forschungsstipendien – Promotionen in Deutschland / Research Grants – Doctoral Programmes in Germany

Bewerbungsschluss/ application deadline: 31. Oktober

Forschungsstipendien – Bi-national betreute Promotionen / Cotutelle / Research Grants – Bi-nationally Supervised Doctoral Degrees / Cotutelle

Bewerbungsschluss/ application deadline: 31. Oktober


Graduate School Scholarship Programme (GSSP)

GSSP ist kein Programm, für das man sich direkt beim DAAD bewerben kann!
Erst nachdem sich die Antragsteller an einer teilnehmenden Graduiertenschule beworben haben (siehe für die Liste der teilnehmenden Graduiertenschulen, an denen man sich bewerben kann, und für weitere Informationen) und von dieser Graduiertenschule für ein Stipendium nominiert wurden, werden sie gebeten ihre Bewerbung im DAAD-Portal hochzuladen.

Applicants cannot apply with DAAD for the GSSP Programme directly.

Only after the applicants have applied with a participating Graduate School (see for the list of Graduate Schools at which you may apply and for further information) and have been nominated by this Graduate School for a DAAD scholarship, they will then be asked to upload their application to the DAAD-portal.


C. Hochschullehrende und Wissenschaftler/innen / University teachers and scientists

Bilateraler Wissenschaftleraustausch / Bilateral Exchange of Academics

Bewerbungsschluss/ application deadline:

jederzeit, jedoch mind. 3 Monate vor Beginn des geplanten  Forschungsaufenthalts in Deutschland

Anytime but at least 3 months before the beginning of the planned research stay

(Der Besuch eines deutschen Amtkollegen muss im Gegenzug vereinbart sein. The visit of a German counterpart has to be scheduled  in return)


D. In-Country / In-Region Programme / In-Country / In-Regions Programmes

Stipendien im Bereich Master oder PhD an unterschiedlichen Institutionen und Netzwerken in Subsahara-Afrika / Scholarships for Masters or PhD at different selected institutions or networks in sub-Saharan Africa

Weitere Informationen unter / more informations under:


E. Sonstige / Others

Entwicklungsbezogene Aufbaustudiengänge (EPOS) / Development-related Postgraduate Courses (EPOS)

Weitere Informationen unter / more informations under:

Praktikantenplätze für ausländische Studierende der Natur- und Ingenieurwissenschaften sowie der Land- und Forstwirtschaft (IAESTE) / Practical Traineeships for Foreign Students of Natural and Technical Sciences, Agriculture and Forestry (IAESTE)

Für weitere Informationen kontaktieren Sie bitte das IAESTE-Komitee in Kenia / For more information please contact the IAESTE committee in Kenya

Weitere Informationen unter / more informations under:

University Cooperation and Partnerships

The HRK University Compass shows 30 partnerships between German and Ugandan universities among the registered international co-operations:

International University Partnerships – Uganda

The DAAD offers programs for project funding for university collaborations:

More Information: 

DAAD in Uganda

The DAAD lectureship program

The DAAD places around 500 lecturers primarily in German studies / German as a foreign language at universities in over 110 countries. There are currently 24 lectureships in Sub-Saharan Africa.

There is a DAAD lecturer at Makerere University.

Rebekka Junker

Makerere University
Department of European and Oriental Studies

More about the DAAD Lectureship Programme 

DAAD Alumni in Uganda

There are about 1,400 DAAD Alumni in Uganda who were funded either in Germany or the Africa region and who today successfully serve in the academic, business and political spheres. Many of them are ideal contacts for anyone interested in pursuing higher education studies or research in Germany. The Alumni have joined together to form the “Association of Ugandan-German Alumni” (AUGA).

For and on Behalf of AUGA.

PhD Research Fellow,
Department of Sociology
School of Social Sciences
College of Humanities & Social Sciences
P. O Box 7062 Kampala- UGANDA.
Cellular: +256 753 341000
Alternate Email:

Every year the DAAD enables people from South Sudan to study, teach or research in Germany. Due to the tense security situation on site, however, no scholarships are currently being awarded for stays in South Sudan.


17 Funded from Germany

34 Funded from Abroad

More information: South Sudan - Country Statistics [PDF 87.63 KB]

Scholarships and funding by the DAAD

Förderungsmöglichkeiten des Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienstes für 2023 bzw. das Hochschuljahr 2023/2024 ( Funding opportunities from the German Academic Exchange Service for 2023 or the academic year 2023/2024

A. Studierende und Graduierte / students and graduates

Studienstipendien – Master-/Aufbaustudium im Fachbereich Architektur / Study Scholarships – Postgraduate Studies in the Field of Architecture

Bewerbungsschluss/ application deadline: 30. September

Studienstipendien – Master-/Aufbaustudium in den Fachbereichen Bildende Kunst, Design, Visuelle Kommunikation und Film / Study Scholarships – Postgraduate Studies in the Fields of Fine Art, Design, Visual Communication and Film

Bewerbungsschluss/ application deadline: 30. November

Studienstipendien – Master-/Aufbaustudium im Fachbereich Darstellende Kunst / Study Scholarships – Postgraduate Studies in the Field of the Performing Arts

Bewerbungsschluss/ application deadline: 2. November

Studienstipendien – Master-/Aufbaustudium im Fachbereich Musik / Study Scholarships – Postgraduate Studies in the Field of Music

Bewerbungsschluss/ application deadline: 29. September


Studienreisen für Gruppen von ausländischen Studierenden in Deutschland / Study Visits and Study Seminars for Groups of Foreign Students to Germany

Bewerbungsschluss/ application deadline:

1. Februar für Reisen zwischen 1. Juni und 31. August
1. Mai für Reisen zwischen 1. September und 28 Februar
November für Reisen zwischen 1. März und 31. Mai

1 February for trips between 1 June and 31 August
1 May for trips between 1 September and 28 February
1 November for trips between 1 March and 31 May


B. Doktorand/inn/en, Post-Docs und Nachwuchswissenschaftler/innen / Doctoral students, post-docs and young researchers

Forschungsstipendien – Jahresstipendien für Doktoranden / Research Grants – One-Year Grants for Doctoral Candidates

Bewerbungsschluss/ application deadline: 31. Oktober

Forschungsstipendien – Promotionen in Deutschland / Research Grants – Doctoral Programmes in Germany

Bewerbungsschluss/ application deadline: 31. Oktober

Forschungsstipendien – Bi-national betreute Promotionen / Cotutelle / Research Grants – Bi-nationally Supervised Doctoral Degrees / Cotutelle

Bewerbungsschluss/ application deadline: 31. Oktober


Graduate School Scholarship Programme (GSSP)

GSSP ist kein Programm, für das man sich direkt beim DAAD bewerben kann!
Erst nachdem sich die Antragsteller an einer teilnehmenden Graduiertenschule beworben haben (siehe für die Liste der teilnehmenden Graduiertenschulen, an denen man sich bewerben kann, und für weitere Informationen) und von dieser Graduiertenschule für ein Stipendium nominiert wurden, werden sie gebeten ihre Bewerbung im DAAD-Portal hochzuladen.

Applicants cannot apply with DAAD for the GSSP Programme directly.

Only after the applicants have applied with a participating Graduate School (see for the list of Graduate Schools at which you may apply and for further information) and have been nominated by this Graduate School for a DAAD scholarship, they will then be asked to upload their application to the DAAD-portal.


C. Hochschullehrende und Wissenschaftler/innen / University teachers and scientists

Bilateraler Wissenschaftleraustausch / Bilateral Exchange of Academics

Bewerbungsschluss/ application deadline:

jederzeit, jedoch mind. 3 Monate vor Beginn des geplanten  Forschungsaufenthalts in Deutschland

Anytime but at least 3 months before the beginning of the planned research stay

(Der Besuch eines deutschen Amtkollegen muss im Gegenzug vereinbart sein. The visit of a German counterpart has to be scheduled  in return)


D.  In-Country / In-Region Programme / In-Country / In-Regions Programmes

Stipendien im Bereich Master oder PhD an unterschiedlichen Institutionen und Netzwerken in Subsahara-Afrika / Scholarships for Masters or PhD at different selected institutions or networks in sub-Saharan Africa

Weitere Informationen unter / more informations under:


E. Sonstige / Others

Entwicklungsbezogene Aufbaustudiengänge (EPOS) / Development-related Postgraduate Courses (EPOS)

Weitere Informationen unter / more informations under:

Praktikantenplätze für ausländische Studierende der Natur- und Ingenieurwissenschaften sowie der Land- und Forstwirtschaft (IAESTE) / Practical Traineeships for Foreign Students of Natural and Technical Sciences, Agriculture and Forestry (IAESTE)

Für weitere Informationen kontaktieren Sie bitte das IAESTE-Komitee in Kenia / For more information please contact the IAESTE committee in Kenya

Weitere Informationen unter / more informations under:

University Cooperation and Partnerships

The HRK University Compass shows two partnerships between German and South Sudanese universities among the registered international co-operations:

International University Partnerships -South Sudan

The DAAD offers programs for project funding for university collaborations:

More Information:

DAAD in South Sudan

The DAAD considers the end of a scholarship as the beginning of an active, long-term relationship with its alumni. More than 160 alumni associations worldwide connect alumni with each other and with the DAAD. The alumni associations are very important partners for international exchange and a driving force for local alumni activities. The involvement of the alumni associations plays an important part in the sustainability of the DAAD scholarship programs.

DAAD Alumni in South Sudan

We are pleased to inform you that an alumni association was recently founded in South Sudan. We encourage all South Sudan alumni to get in touch with the association:

Dr. Kuajien Lual Wechtuor

DASS, Head

Juba, SSD



Every year the DAAD enables people from Germany – from students to university lecturers – to stay in Ethiopia. At the same time, recipients from Ethiopia have the opportunity to study, teach or research in Germany.


63 Funded from Germany

423 Funded from Abroad

More information:

Scholarships and funding by the DAAD

More Information:  Scholarship Database – DAAD – Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst

Förderungsmöglichkeiten des Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienstes für 2023 bzw. das Hochschuljahr 2023/2024 ( Funding opportunities from the German Academic Exchange Service for 2023 or the academic year 2023/2024

A. Studierende und Graduierte / students and graduates

Studienstipendien – Master-/Aufbaustudium im Fachbereich Architektur / Study Scholarships – Postgraduate Studies in the Field of Architecture

Bewerbungsschluss/ application deadline: 30. September

Studienstipendien – Master-/Aufbaustudium in den Fachbereichen Bildende Kunst, Design, Visuelle Kommunikation und Film / Study Scholarships – Postgraduate Studies in the Fields of Fine Art, Design, Visual Communication and Film

Bewerbungsschluss/ application deadline: 30. November

Studienstipendien – Master-/Aufbaustudium im Fachbereich Darstellende Kunst / Study Scholarships – Postgraduate Studies in the Field of the Performing Arts

Bewerbungsschluss/ application deadline: 2. November

Studienstipendien – Master-/Aufbaustudium im Fachbereich Musik / Study Scholarships – Postgraduate Studies in the Field of Music

Bewerbungsschluss/ application deadline: 29. September


Studienreisen für Gruppen von ausländischen Studierenden in Deutschland / Study Visits and Study Seminars for Groups of Foreign Students to Germany

Bewerbungsschluss/ application deadline:

1. Februar für Reisen zwischen 1. Juni und 31. August
1. Mai für Reisen zwischen 1. September und 28 Februar
November für Reisen zwischen 1. März und 31. Mai

1 February for trips between 1 June and 31 August
1 May for trips between 1 September and 28 February
1 November for trips between 1 March and 31 May


B. Doktorand/inn/en, Post-Docs und Nachwuchswissenschaftler/innen / Doctoral students, post-docs and young researchers

Forschungsstipendien – Jahresstipendien für Doktoranden / Research Grants – One-Year Grants for Doctoral Candidates

Bewerbungsschluss/ application deadline: 31. Oktober

Forschungsstipendien – Promotionen in Deutschland / Research Grants – Doctoral Programmes in Germany

Bewerbungsschluss/ application deadline: 31. Oktober

Forschungsstipendien – Bi-national betreute Promotionen / Cotutelle / Research Grants – Bi-nationally Supervised Doctoral Degrees / Cotutelle

Bewerbungsschluss/ application deadline: 31. Oktober


Graduate School Scholarship Programme (GSSP)

GSSP ist kein Programm, für das man sich direkt beim DAAD bewerben kann!
Erst nachdem sich die Antragsteller an einer teilnehmenden Graduiertenschule beworben haben (siehe für die Liste der teilnehmenden Graduiertenschulen, an denen man sich bewerben kann, und für weitere Informationen) und von dieser Graduiertenschule für ein Stipendium nominiert wurden, werden sie gebeten ihre Bewerbung im DAAD-Portal hochzuladen.

Applicants cannot apply with DAAD for the GSSP Programme directly.

Only after the applicants have applied with a participating Graduate School (see for the list of Graduate Schools at which you may apply and for further information) and have been nominated by this Graduate School for a DAAD scholarship, they will then be asked to upload their application to the DAAD-portal.


C. Hochschullehrende und Wissenschaftler/innen / University teachers and scientists

Bilateraler Wissenschaftleraustausch / Bilateral Exchange of Academics

Bewerbungsschluss/ application deadline:

jederzeit, jedoch mind. 3 Monate vor Beginn des geplanten  Forschungsaufenthalts in Deutschland

Anytime but at least 3 months before the beginning of the planned research stay

(Der Besuch eines deutschen Amtkollegen muss im Gegenzug vereinbart sein. The visit of a German counterpart has to be scheduled  in return)


D. In-Country / In-Region Programme / In-Country / In-Regions Programmes

Stipendien im Bereich Master oder PhD an unterschiedlichen Institutionen und Netzwerken in Subsahara-Afrika / Scholarships for Masters or PhD at different selected institutions or networks in sub-Saharan Africa

Weitere Informationen unter / more informations under:


E. Sonstige / Others

Entwicklungsbezogene Aufbaustudiengänge (EPOS) / Development-related Postgraduate Courses (EPOS)

Weitere Informationen unter / more informations under:

Praktikantenplätze für ausländische Studierende der Natur- und Ingenieurwissenschaften sowie der Land- und Forstwirtschaft (IAESTE) / Practical Traineeships for Foreign Students of Natural and Technical Sciences, Agriculture and Forestry (IAESTE)

Für weitere Informationen kontaktieren Sie bitte das IAESTE-Komitee in Kenia / For more information please contact the IAESTE committee in Kenya

Weitere Informationen unter / more informations under:

University Cooperation and Partnerships

The HRK University Compass shows 49 partnerships between German and Ethiopian universities among the registered international co-operations:

International University Partnerships – Ethiopia

The DAAD offers programs for project funding for university collaborations:

More Information:

DAAD in Ethiopia

The DAAD lectureship program

The DAAD places around 500 lecturers primarily in German studies / German as a foreign language at universities in over 110 countries. There are currently 24 lectureships in Sub-Saharan Africa.

The position in Ethiopia is currently vacant.

More about the DAAD Lectureship Programme

Ethio-German Home Grown PhD Scholarship Programme

Within Sub-Saharan Africa, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) cooperates with several countries in the field of postgraduate training, on basis of individually negotiated cooperation agreements. So-called government scholarships are awarded to qualified junior scientists and university staff for PhD studies, usually in Germany. In certain programmes, also Master‘s studies in Germany or even PhD degrees at the home university can be funded, as it is the case with Ethiopia, for example.

The Ethio-German Home Grown PhD Scholarship Programme was announced for the first time in 2014 through the Ministry of Education (MoE) in the frame of the Engineering Education Capacity Building Programme (EECBP). Per intake, up to 40 scholarships can be awarded to Ethiopian PhD students in the field of engineering. Over a period of three years, six months each are spent in turn for research at a German host university and the Ethiopian home institution, whereby the final PhD degree is to be obtained at the latter.

In April 2015, the first batch of scholarship holders was selected through a bi-national selection panel meeting in Addis Ababa. One year later, 19 PhD students had already returned from their first research stay in Germany. By the end of 2018, 111 and in the middle of 2019, 146 new awards had been granted in the programme and in 2019, the first group of students defended their PhDs in Ethiopia.


Scholarship awards
  2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total
Scholar-ship Holders New awards 27 12 24 48 35 146
thereof male students 25 12 22 44 31 134
thereof female students 2 0 2 4 4 12

The Ethio-German Home Grown PhD Scholarship Programme is currently suspended. No application possible at the moment.

Alumni of German universities in Ethiopia

In Ethiopia, there are more than 3.600 DAAD Alumni who were supported either in Germany or in Africa and who today successfully serve in the academic, business and political spheres. Many of them are ideal contacts for anyone interested in pursuing higher education studies or research in Germany.

In 1994 a group of Ethiopians, who had returned home after studying in Germany came up with an idea of forming an association of fellow countrymen educated in Germany and drafted a guideline. The process took a while but, eventually the association was formally registered with the Ethiopian Ministry of Justice and received legal status as “Association of Ethiopians Educated in Germany (AEEG)” in 1997.

Contact Persons at the AEEG Office: Dr. Berhanu Gizaw, Executive Director (Since June 2013):


Every year the DAAD enables people from Germany – from students to university lecturers – to stay in Tanzania. At the same time, recipients from Tanzania have the opportunity to study, teach or research in Germany.


53 Funded from Germany

239 Funded from Abroad

More information:

Scholarships and funding by the DAAD

More Information: Scholarship Database – DAAD – Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst

Förderungsmöglichkeiten des Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienstes für 2023 bzw. das Hochschuljahr 2023/2024 ( Funding opportunities from the German Academic Exchange Service for 2023 or the academic year 2023/2024

A. Studierende und Graduierte / students and graduates

Studienstipendien – Master-/Aufbaustudium im Fachbereich Architektur / Study Scholarships – Postgraduate Studies in the Field of Architecture

Bewerbungsschluss/ application deadline: 30. September

Studienstipendien – Master-/Aufbaustudium in den Fachbereichen Bildende Kunst, Design, Visuelle Kommunikation und Film / Study Scholarships – Postgraduate Studies in the Fields of Fine Art, Design, Visual Communication and Film

Bewerbungsschluss/ application deadline: 30. November

Studienstipendien – Master-/Aufbaustudium im Fachbereich Darstellende Kunst / Study Scholarships – Postgraduate Studies in the Field of the Performing Arts

Bewerbungsschluss/ application deadline: 2. November

Studienstipendien – Master-/Aufbaustudium im Fachbereich Musik / Study Scholarships – Postgraduate Studies in the Field of Music

Bewerbungsschluss/ application deadline: 29. September


Studienreisen für Gruppen von ausländischen Studierenden in Deutschland / Study Visits and Study Seminars for Groups of Foreign Students to Germany

Bewerbungsschluss/ application deadline:

1. Februar für Reisen zwischen 1. Juni und 31. August
1. Mai für Reisen zwischen 1. September und 28 Februar
November für Reisen zwischen 1. März und 31. Mai

1 February for trips between 1 June and 31 August
1 May for trips between 1 September and 28 February
1 November for trips between 1 March and 31 May


B. Doktorand/inn/en, Post-Docs und Nachwuchswissenschaftler/innen / Doctoral students, post-docs and young researchers

Forschungsstipendien – Jahresstipendien für Doktoranden / Research Grants – One-Year Grants for Doctoral Candidates

Bewerbungsschluss/ application deadline: 31. Oktober

Forschungsstipendien – Promotionen in Deutschland / Research Grants – Doctoral Programmes in Germany

Bewerbungsschluss/ application deadline: 31. Oktober

Forschungsstipendien – Bi-national betreute Promotionen / Cotutelle / Research Grants – Bi-nationally Supervised Doctoral Degrees / Cotutelle

Bewerbungsschluss/ application deadline: 31. Oktober


Graduate School Scholarship Programme (GSSP)

GSSP ist kein Programm, für das man sich direkt beim DAAD bewerben kann!
Erst nachdem sich die Antragsteller an einer teilnehmenden Graduiertenschule beworben haben (siehe für die Liste der teilnehmenden Graduiertenschulen, an denen man sich bewerben kann, und für weitere Informationen) und von dieser Graduiertenschule für ein Stipendium nominiert wurden, werden sie gebeten ihre Bewerbung im DAAD-Portal hochzuladen.

Applicants cannot apply with DAAD for the GSSP Programme directly.

Only after the applicants have applied with a participating Graduate School (see for the list of Graduate Schools at which you may apply and for further information) and have been nominated by this Graduate School for a DAAD scholarship, they will then be asked to upload their application to the DAAD-portal.


C. Hochschullehrende und Wissenschaftler/innen / University teachers and scientists

Bilateraler Wissenschaftleraustausch / Bilateral Exchange of Academics

Bewerbungsschluss/ application deadline:

jederzeit, jedoch mind. 3 Monate vor Beginn des geplanten  Forschungsaufenthalts in Deutschland

Anytime but at least 3 months before the beginning of the planned research stay

(Der Besuch eines deutschen Amtkollegen muss im Gegenzug vereinbart sein. The visit of a German counterpart has to be scheduled  in return)


D. In-Country / In-Region Programme / In-Country / In-Regions Programmes

Stipendien im Bereich Master oder PhD an unterschiedlichen Institutionen und Netzwerken in Subsahara-Afrika / Scholarships for Masters or PhD at different selected institutions or networks in sub-Saharan Africa

Weitere Informationen unter / more informations under:


E. Sonstige / Others

Entwicklungsbezogene Aufbaustudiengänge (EPOS) / Development-related Postgraduate Courses (EPOS)

Weitere Informationen unter / more informations under:

Praktikantenplätze für ausländische Studierende der Natur- und Ingenieurwissenschaften sowie der Land- und Forstwirtschaft (IAESTE) / Practical Traineeships for Foreign Students of Natural and Technical Sciences, Agriculture and Forestry (IAESTE)

Für weitere Informationen kontaktieren Sie bitte das IAESTE-Komitee in Kenia / For more information please contact the IAESTE committee in Kenya

Weitere Informationen unter / more informations under:

University Cooperation and Partnerships

The HRK University Compass shows 45 partnerships between German and Tanzanian universities among the registered international co-operations:

International University Partnerships – Tanzania

The DAAD offers programs for project funding for university collaborations:

More Information:

DAAD in Tanzania

The DAAD lectureship program

The DAAD places around 500 lecturers primarily in German studies / German as a foreign language at universities in over 110 countries. There are currently 24 lectureships in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Tanzanian universities have not applied for the establishment of a DAAD Lektorat.

More about the DAAD Lectureship Programme

Tanzanian-German Centre for Eastern African Legal Studies (TGCL): Tanzanian-German Centre of Excellence

The Tanzanian-German  Center of excellence, a joint project of the universities of Dar es Salaam and Bayreuth, is funded by the DAAD as a professional center as part of the “Africa campaign” of the Federal Foreign Office. One focus of teaching and research is regional integration, in comparison between the East African Community and the European Union.

The TGCL is part of the law faculty of the University of Dar es Salaam and has been involved in the DAAD program “African Excellence – Specialist Centers for Elite Promotion” since it was founded.

The DAAD supports the center structurally and with scholarships.

Alumni of German universities in Tanzania

There are about 1,500 DAAD Alumni in Tanzania who were funded either in Germany or the Africa region and who today successfully serve in the academic, business and political spheres. Many of them are ideal contacts for anyone interested in pursuing higher education studies or research in Germany.

Tanzania DAAD Alumni Association (TDAA), Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

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Screenshot of map with location of DAAD-office marked