Networking Forum „EU-Higher Education Cooperation between Germany and Eastern Africa”

The ‘Erasmus+ Networking Forum’ was organised by the National Agency for Erasmus+ Higher Education Cooperation at the DAAD and the DAAD Regional Office in Nairobi. Representatives of higher education institutions from the seven East African countries of Ethiopia, Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda, as well as from Germany, were invited. Members of the East African Higher Education Quality Assurance Network (EAQAN), who were holding their annual conference in Nairobi at the same time, were also guests at the Erasmus+ Networking Forum on the first day. For these participants, too, it was a welcome opportunity to learn more about Erasmus, in particular the special contribution the programme can make to improving the quality of teaching.
Site visits to Kenyan universities
In order to gain a concrete insight into academic life on the ground, to get an idea of the different types of higher education institutions and to establish new contacts for university cooperation, 28 DAAD-funded university members from Germany visited the US International University (USIU), the Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT) and Kenyatta University in Nairobi the day before the event. They met with great interest in international cooperation at all three universities. At Kenyatta University, no fewer than nine faculties were represented at the meeting with the German delegation.
Erasmus+ Networking Forum
The Erasmus+ Networking Forum had set itself the goal of strengthening German-East African partnerships within the framework of EU university cooperation. After the opening of the conference by Beate Körner, NA DAAD, and Dr. Dorothee Weyler, Director of the DAAD Regional Office Nairobi, and greetings from the EU Embassy in Kenya, the German Embassy and the Inter-University Council East Africa (IUCEA), the instruments and diverse funding lines of the EU for cooperation with sub-Saharan Africa were presented. The European Liaison Office of the German Research Organisations (KOWI) was also connected online to highlight the opportunities for EU research funding in the East African region. An interactive workshop on ‘Tips on Project Application’ also offered insights into the practicalities of the application process, which was met with great interest by the participants.
The core of the forum were the networking sessions on the first and second day, where German and African participants exchanged their project ideas with the aim of launching future partnerships. A wide range of topics were represented, including health, peace education and democracy, environmental and engineering sciences, business and entrepreneurship.
One of the highlights of the conference was the reception at the residence of the German ambassador, which brought together participants of the Erasmus+ Networking Forum and the parallel meeting of the East African Higher Education Quality Assurance Network (EAQAN), thus offering further exciting networking opportunities.
What happens next?
Networking will continue over the next few months: in view of the upcoming publication of the new Erasmus+ call for project proposals, participants can use the DAAD Events app, among other things, to stay in touch and further develop their project ideas until the application deadline in February 2025. During the application phase, the DAAD will support the conference participants with useful information. Next spring, a virtual follow-up meeting will also be held to provide an opportunity to deepen the contacts made and take stock of the situation.